Help your leaders achieve self-awareness with in-depth assessments.
Our assessment experts will explore results with each member of your leadership team.
Leadership Assessment Offerings
Growth requires self-awareness. And that doesn’t happen by accident.
Our assessments help your current leaders understand themselves and how others see them — and help you determine which candidate is right for the job.
Personality and Skills
Show leaders that soft skills matter with:
Screening and Selection
Add more insight into your executive interview process with personality and business reasoning assessments.
You’ll see which candidates will fit your needs without relying on intuition or bias.
Results made personal — and actionable — with expert guidance
So many assessments start with the best intentions.
Then executives scan the results, set them aside for later, and revert to business as usual.
But we believe assessments combined with one-on-one discussions of results provide guidance that shapes stronger leaders.
We privately walk leaders through their results to explore specific situations and habits that reflect their scores. This approach transforms abstract test results into new perspectives and frameworks that fuel behavior change.
Your leadership team will gain insights into their:

"Paul has worked with 26 presidents and numerous administrators across Minnesota State Colleges & Universities to provide invaluable assessments that have guided leadership selection and development. He is insightful, a quick study, understands the dynamics of diverse organizations, and works extremely well with people to provide excellent guidance and coaching. His contributions have helped strengthen higher ed leadership across the state."
Steven Rosenstone, Chancellor, 2011-2017
Minnesota State Colleges & Universities